You Are Not Alone
When we experience a significant loss in our lives, often we fall into depression, anxiety or denial just to name a few. When we fall into these ailments, we tend to pull away from family, friends and ourselves, we disconnect. By disconnecting from ourselves and others, the feeling of being alone sets in and deepens the depression or anxiety. You may feel alone, when actually you're not. You may feel alone because family and friends may not know how to respond to your feelings and come across heartless or cold and distant. Allow your family and friends to be there the best they know how for you and more importantly reconnect to YOU. That connection to you, the love you have for yourself is what will guide and support you through. Family and friends are also going through their own emotional roller-coaster and they too need support. Being together and supporting each other, is a wonderful way to heal.
If you don't have family or friends to support you, or you wish extra support, there are professional services available for you to seek support. Seeking professional services is not a show of weakness but it shows the strength you do have within you.
'We Are Never Alone'
Photo by Karolina Grabowska:
Essentia Rose Life Transition offers support at any transitioning moment in life that requires support. We can assist you and your family from the time of diagnoses of a Life Limiting/ Terminal Illness, to End of Life, through to you no longer needing our support. Grief of losing a pet not necessarily only relates to a pet's death. You can also grieve if you had to give, surrender your pet or went missing. However the circumstances involved, you still lost your pet and may need support.
We have 4 platforms of consultations. Counsellors Clinic, Home Visit, Phone and Zoom. Phone and Zoom are available Australian Wide.
Clinic and Home Visits only available in the Counsellors area.

These booklets were written by me. They are related to human loved ones and not for pets. My Funeral Service Plan and Sacred Life Transition Journal.

Coming Soon

New books
My Way Back From Losing a Pet- Grief Journal
My Way Back- Grief Journal (Humans)
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